REINCANTAMENTO Drops is a freestyle newsletter on weird algorithms, digital subcultures, tech-gnosis phenomena, and more oddities.

It's a direct emanation of REINCANTAMENTO and it coalesces thoughts on media artifacts, reports from live events, behind-the-scenes considerations on other projects, or more personal pieces. Like freestyle, it doesn’t have a stable form and it’s conceived as a site for textual experimentation.

Drops takes a lot of time and care, so consider buying a subscription if you like what I do ^_^ In the future, this subscription will grant you access to a broader universe of contents and readings.


REINCANTAMENTO is an independent research platform curated by Alessandro Y. Longo. REINCANTAMENTO is born as a series of articles on Medium in April 2020, concerning philosophical approaches to digital technologies, the problem of surveillance, the matter of design, and possible solutions to re-enchant the digital tools of our time. From this crucial philosophical frame, an online meditation was born with a daily activity on Instagram and the release of articles, videos, and more. REINCANTAMENTO is not exclusively a personal project. First, the constant contamination and influence of other minds have been crucial for my research ideas. Secondly, many collaborators helped during the years, and a collective entity, Speculum!, was born from this project.

REINCANTAMENTO wants to contribute to the construction of a common and collective horizon for a new techno-social evolution. To help dissolve the disciplinary boundaries that separate concepts from matter, code from artworks. To connect the dots across the jagged map of the present so that new paths can emerge. Trying to occupy the Insta-space without falling victim to influencers-anxiety and hype cycles. To nurture the hope that new networks and new machines can be born for the people. Alternatively, to fail spectacularly while trying.

Our website / live archive, inspired by the principles of Digital Gardens, is visitable here and here you can find the Instagram page

Subscribe to REINCANTAMENTO Drops

A freestyle newsletter on weird algorithms, digital subcultures, tech-gnosis phenomena, and more oddities 🧙🏻


An open-source and work-in-progress meditation on magic and technology 🔮📡